Storts Market

by Lesley Storts

Antique Glass Spooner

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Late last year I learned about spooners. Do you know what a spooner is? Once I learned about spooners, I wanted one for myself.

I was visiting my aunt – her dining room is wonderful! She wanted to show me an interesting piece of silverware she had found while antiquing and opened her cupboard and pulled out a spooner dish which was holding silverware.

I asked my aunt why she was using that piece of glass for the silverware. She told me the glass container is a spooner and is meant to hold spoons or whatever utensils someone may want to store but not use a drawer. After doing a little research, I learned that spooners were originally used displayed to convey hospitality and show a sign of readiness to welcome and entertain guests ( The Historic Foodie also talks about the history of spooners.

I decided I wanted my very own spooner. My aunt and I met at the antique store Kind of Blue in New Bern, North Carolina. Their large selection of spooners was interesting and made the choosing process enjoyable.

I’m currently using my spooner to corral small utensils used for charcuterie, appetizers and small foods such as olives or pickles. One of our purchases for the loft was a campaign table. I have it close to the kitchen and can use it, if needed, as a serving area. It is a logical place to have and showcase a spooner. My spooner is out and I am ready to welcome and entertain guests!

Happy quilting and crafting! ▶︎ ▶︎ ▶︎

Author: Lesley Storts

I’ve always been a doodler and loved art from an early age. I picked up my first fabric, a pink and white checked gingham, at 9 years old and cross-stitched my name. In 1996, my mom started quilting and her inspiration motivated me to make my first quilt in 1998. I found a pattern in a book from the library, changed the colors to make a Christmas quilt and pieced it together. I even quilted and bound it! I enjoy working with all kinds of fabric mediums and threads. I enjoy sewing with my machine and doing handwork. I get inspiration from my life including people, scenery, patterns and objects around me. Follow me here and on Instagram @lesleystorts.

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