Storts Market

by Lesley Storts

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Two Pincushions plus a Handpainted Dish

I recently went through a box of glass, mostly salt cellars and other small vessels, and made a couple of pincushions with glass found in that box. I used a clear glass mustard dish with a lid and a clear glass salt cellar. I found a hand painted dish while antiquing that measures around six inches in diameter and has a lip around the edge. Pairing the dish with pincushions as a catch-all for sewing notions, etc., is another way to up-cycle and enjoy unique pieces of glass, pottery, or china. The hand painted Imari dish with gold highlights is an elegant dish and prompted me to look for fabric with metallics blended into the pattern and fabric. I had many fabric choices, as you can see in the video, but decided on two that I felt best complimented the dish.

Happy quilting and crafting! ▶︎ ▶︎ ▶︎